Communicate the Benefits of Horses
There are many economic impact studies that support the economic impact of the horse at the local, state and national level. Beyond the notable economic impact that horses bring to a community, it has been proven scientifically that horses help humans physically, mentally and emotionally. In addition, horses and horse lands provide notable environmental benefits to our communities. This issue area provides articles relating to making the case for the economic, environmental and health benefits from having horses in our local communities.
Your Community Needs Your Horse
Economic Benefits
Equestrian Economic Impact Analysis: How Your Community Benefits
Recreational Tourism
Economic Benefits of Trail Tourism
Changing Economic Landscapes Impact Access to Horses
Equine Economic Impact Studies
2017 Woodford County, KY: The Influence of the Agricultural Cluster to Woodford County’s Economy
2016 Economic Impact of the Equine Industry in Massachusetts
2014 Economic Impact of the Horse Industry on Sonoma County, California
2014 Marion County, Florida Equine Economic Impact Study
2012 New York Equine Industry Economic Impact Study
2006 Montgomery County, Maryland Horse Study
American Horse Council National Economic Impact Survey
Economic Analysis of the Saratoga Race Course
Conceptualizing the Kentucky Horse Industry as an Economic Cluster
New Hampshire Economic Survey Results
The Economic Impact of the Horse Industry in Virginia
Sustainable Business Models
Creating a Sustainable Business Model with Equestrian Activities
Links to Other Resources
Benefits to Community Identity
How Mounted Patrols Benefit Our Communities
How to Create and Sustain an Equine Landscape – Carolina Foothills Style
Environmental Benefits
Horse Lands Bring View Sheds Benefits
Health and Welfare Benefits
The Impact of Horses on Human Health
Health Benefits of Riding (UK Report)
Horseback Riding Promotes Social Development and Builds Character
Horses Healing Humans: The Multifaceted Role of Equines in Addiction Rehabilitation