Working Together to Save Our Horse Lands
American history is imprinted with hoofprints. From the Native American ponies to the horses that pulled the Conestogas across the prairie to the pleasure and competition mounts of today horses have been an integral part of our economy and our identity. Unfortunately, our equine heritage is now at risk. With over 6,000 acres of open land disappearing each day to poorly planned development and sprawl, we may lose the ability to support our equestrian population in as little as 15 years.
Land loss may affect different regions and equine disciplines in different ways, but it clearly represents a significant threat to all equestrians. As members of the equine community the future of the equestrian landscape is in our hands. Land is saved locally, so it’s imperative that horsemen and horse enthusiasts act as stewards of horse lands in their own communities. Being aware of threats and knowing how to address them allows us to ensure that future generations can enjoy access to the equestrian landscapes and lifestyle that we enjoy. Participation in our Conservation Membership Program allows you to actively demonstrate your support for equine land conservation.
ELCR provides information, tools, templates, and one-on-one technical assistance to help individuals and organizations keep land open for horses in their communities. Membership dues support programs and services such as:
- Access to current articles and videos on equine land conservation organized into the six key topic areas featured on our site
- Development of templates, sample letters, guides, and other tactical tools to help busy people effectively engage in local land use planning
- Access to best practices and guidance for managing conversations and relationships with private landowners and public land stakeholders in order to create or support access for horses and horse-related use
- Development of tools and handbooks for local land trusts working to include equine-related properties in their conservation agendas
- Access to forums and webinars covering specific issues such as building sustainable trails, conservation easements, and best management practices
Click here to become a member today.