On March 6th and 7th 2021, Equine Land Conservation Resource partnered with Daily Acts Organization to host a webinar titled Sustainable Equine Management. The main speaker and presenter featured Alayne Blickle, creator and director of Horses for Clean Water (an environmental education program), with guest speakers including representatives from the Sonoma Resource Conservation District (RCD), The Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), and the San Francisco Bay Water Quality Control Board.
The webinar focused on innovative, eco-friendly, and cost-effective strategies when caring for horses and the land they live on. It offered strategies for handling mud, muck, and offers information such as small-scale trail courses and tips for water conservation and manure management. Viewers learned practical strategies and best practices that can ultimately save on vet bills and increase the value and functionality of their property, all the while helping to mitigate water pollution and fight climate change!
The recorded webinar is accessible on the Daily Acts website at: https://dailyacts.org/2021/03/06/sustainableequinemanagement/

Webinar presenter Alayne Blickle, a life-long equestrian and founder and director of Horses For Clean Water.
Included below is a list of sustainable equine management resources created to support the webinar.
List of Sustainable Equine Management Resources
2021 Sustainable Equine Management Webinar: https://dailyacts.org/2021/03/06/sustainableequinemanagement/
Horsesforcleanwater.com is a webpage developed by Alayne Blickle, main presenter for our Sustainable Equine Mgmt. Workshop. A great resource for everything sustainable in the horse world.
Blog: http://www.horsesforcleanwater.com/blog/2020/2/27/reduce-reuse-recycle-barn-edition for those wanting more detailed ideas to implement.
Specific Solutions: http://www.horsesforcleanwater.com/solutions for more ideas!
Best Mgmt. Practices Online Resource Page for Equine Facilities and Horse Owners: https://www.marincounty.org/depts/pw/divisions/creeks-bay-and-flood/mcstoppp/community-resources/horse-owners?p=1
Non-regulatory Resource Agencies:
Find your local California Resource Conservation District (RCD): https://carcd.org/rcds/find/
Webinar Panelist Kari Wester, Project Manager: KWester@sonomarcd.org
Find your local California Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS): https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/ portal/nrcs/main/national/people/partners/nacd/
Webinar Panelist Brooke Pippi: brooke.pippi@usda.gov
The following information is listed on the Sonoma County website, but it is great Best Land Management Practices information no matter where you live:
Stormwater Runoff Management in High Use Areas: https://sonomarcd.org/wp-content/uploads/ 2017/08/Equine-Stormwater-Mgt-Hi-Use-Areas.pdf
Best Water Management Practices: https://sonomarcd.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Slow-it-Spread-it-Sink-it-Store-it.pdf
Petaluma River Watershed: https://sonomarcd.org/district-watersheds/petaluma-river/
Horse Manure Management: https://sonomarcd.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Horse-Manure-Management-Guide.pdf
Grazing Handbook: https://sonomarcd.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Grazing-Handbook.pdf
Waterwise Horse Paddocks: https://sonomarcd.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Equine-Paddocks.pdf
LandSmart: https://landsmart.org
LandSmart Templates for Equine/Confined Animal Facilities (CAF): http://landsmart.org/landsmart-for-equine-2/
Google “Water Quality Control Agency” to find your local or regional water quality control agency and information on how you can keep groundwater and local waterways free of toxins.
Google “Compost Facility” for a composting site nearest you that may accept horse manure.
Alternatives to RoundUp:
An informative article explaining how several different “natural” or “organic” herbicides work and which ones to try: https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=6498 (Avenger works great for weeds in and around gravel driveways.)
Using Mushrooms to break down toxins and compost piles faster:
You can spread most any type of mushroom/fungi on your compost pile to help it break down more quickly, and to break down pathogens as well. Microfiltration for pathogen management information can be found at: http://assets.fungiperfecti.net/pdf/articles/Fungi_Perfecti_Phase_I_Report.pdf
Contact Alex Taylor: alex.t@fungi.com for detailed information on suggestions for your specific situation, and how/where to purchase spore.
Go to https://fungi.com/blogs/articles/mycofiltration-for-urban-storm-water-treatment-receives-epa-research-and-development-funding for an article on microfiltration for stormwater treatment.
Native Plant Nurseries for Natural Pest Control and Enhancement:
National Native Plant Directory: http://www.plantnative.org/national_nursery_dir_main.htm
Google “Native plant nurseries and organizations” in your own state.
Natural Fly Control: SmartPak Equine: https://www.smartpakequine.com/ This is one of many companies selling fly predators. Google “fly predators” for more options.
Excellent article on natural and effective fly control strategies:
Fly Predators Article: http://www.gardeninsects.com/flyparasites.asp
Stall and Mud Mats:
INB Mud Mats: https://www.facebook.com/INBSystem/
Soft Stall Mats: http://www.softstall.com/softstallpage.html
Best Land Practices for Grazing Animals:
Inspiring TED Talk by Allan Savory: How to green the world’s deserts and reverse climate change: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpTHi7O66pI
TED Talk by Gabe Brown, 16 min: Basics of regenerative land management using grazers, with a focus on soil health https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfTZ0rnowcc
Gabe Brown, 58 min: More in-depth talk on Brown’s journey to building soil health and economic solvency on his 5,000 acre farm in North Dakota: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yPjoh9YJMk
ELCR Resources:
A Look at Backyard Horse Keeping: https://elcr.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/A-Look-At-Backyard-Horsekeeping-reformatted-Dec-2018-Final.pdf
Best Management Practices Can Help Your Bottom Line- A Guide to Best Management Practices for Horse Properties: http://elcr.org/bestmananagementpractices/
Better Water Management: https://elcr.org/better-water-management/
Eight Steps for Effective Pasture Management: http://elcr.org/eight-steps-for-effective-pasture-management/
Protect Your Watershed, Protect Your Land- Equine Land Best Management Practices: Willie Woode: http://elcr.org/protect-your-watershed/