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At the 2012 ELCR One-Day Regional Forum in Atlanta, Georgia, Shannon Kettering, ASLA, AICP presented “Using Smart Growth to Conserve Land and Create Equestrian-Friendly Communities.” In her presentation, Ms. Kettering discusses the challenges facing rural communities and the techniques that have been used in the Chattahoochee Hill Country to prevent land loss due to urban sprawl.

Shannon Kettering is the Program Manager of the Planning group at POND/ECOS where she provides client management, team leadership and quality control on community planning, visioning and facilitation, and green infrastructure projects of all scales. With 19 years of experience in urban design and public outreach, Ms. Kettering offers expertise in community-based redevelopment planning that leads to implementation, including sustainable strategies and regulatory policies. Ms. Kettering is a certified planner, registered landscape architect and certified charrette planner, and specializes in large-scale facilitation and community design.

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ELCR would like to thank our Conservation Partners, The Bates Family Foundation, The Hamill Family Foundation, Bayer Animal Health and USA Equestrian Trust for their support.